Friday, October 30, 2015

How long will your household appliances, fixtures, and accessories last?

Each year there are items in a home that need to be replaced because they are either outdated or broken. However, it can be difficult to discern when a major household feature needs to be replaced. One way, you can predict when you will need to replace the items is by the typical lifespan.

Fortunately, the major appliances and fixtures such as garage doors, gas fireplaces, linoleum floors are expected to last for at least 25 years with bathtubs and sinks lasting about 20 years.

  • Other Appliances and Fixtures
  • Washing Machine, dryers, refrigerators- 13-15 years
  • Food Disposals- 12 years
  • Plasma TVs- 11 years
  • Lawnmowers and carpet- 10 years
  • Microwaves and dishwashers- 9 years
  • Air conditioners and mattresses- 7 years
  • Rugs- 5 years
  • Laptops- 4 years
  • Coffee makers- 2 years

Don’t worry about your doorbell that will last for about 45 years!