Wednesday, June 22, 2016

How to Repair Cracks in Your Concrete Driveway?

Concrete is intended to be hard, durable, and withstand all type of weather but like other things in your home, they sometimes need a little TLC every once in awhile. One of the first items a potential buyer will see is the outside of your home and your driveway. A good clean driveway will draw them in!

  • ·      Identify all the crack that need to be repaired.  Use side walk chalk to mark the places that will be filled. 
  • ·      Clean the areas you wish to repair by using a hard tool to scrape larger piece of debris, brush out any old concrete crumbles, and remove any plants.  Finally, pressure wash the leftovers.  Its important to clean each crack well to ensure the new material used with properly bond.
  • ·      Prepare your filling.  Be sure to pick the proper filling base on the size of the area you wish to repair and the weather conditions.
  • ·      Fill in the crack.  Scrape away any excess filling and smooth down the area.  Let the concrete dry and settle- ensure it is fully set before driving on the area.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

How to Keep Out the Unwanted Guests?

Warm weather can lead to some unwanted and uninvited guests whether they creep, crawl, or fly into your home.  The best and most important step is stopping the issue before it becomes a bigger issue.  But where do you start to keep these guests out for good?

  • ·      Keep your home clean and carry vinegar- Keep your kitchen floor and countertops free of crumbs.  Use a vinegar spray daily on kitchen surfaces to erase any alluring food odors.  Pour baking soda and vinegar soak followed by boiling water down your drain to wash away any goop.
  • ·      Eliminate Moisture- Bugs need water! Keep moisture control in the bathroom, kitchen, and around the outside of the home your top priority.  Do not leave standing water in your sinks or tubs.  Be sure to check under sinks for any leaky pipes.
  • ·      Keep the Outside Out- Trim back plants so they are not touching the foundation of your home.  Bird baths, children’s toys, and garden supplies can become pools of stagnant water.  Be sure to clean up wood piles and ashes.
  • ·      Bring in Reinforcements- If you cannot seem to get rid of the unwanted pests, it’s time to bring in the experts! Contact your favorite pest control to help assist you.