Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How to Find the Perfect Neighborhood?

Now that you’ve made the decision to move from one home to another, it’s time to decide where you want to move to.  While you search the internet and look at potential homes, you must first decide what type of neighborhood you want to live in and the location.  You may ask yourself “do we enjoy the area we are currently in or do we want to pursue a different area?”

Pinpoint Your Wants
Before you start looking at homes, sit down and make a list of what you want in a new neighborhood.  You should consider the price point of the house but don’t stop there.  Think of the small things that make your life even better like sidewalks or access to a pool.

Valuing the View
When you start looking at homes, take the view in- do you like what you see, is it something to you look at everyday?  Do the neighbors maintain their home?  Are other homes in the neighborhood upkept well?  Are there a lot of for rent signs along your drive?

Commute and Convenience
When you are deciding where to live consider your time spent outside of the home.  How long will it take you to get to and from work or to drop your kids off at their school.  Close proximity to your most frequented locations will give you more time to enjoy your new house and less time in the car.

Basic Coverage
Look up the crime rates in the various locations you are considering moving to.  Review your family’s collective personality.  When it comes to your lifestyle, think about the local points of interest that will be close to you. 

Future Focused
What does your future hold?  It may not be easy to predict but if you are already considering changing jobs, having children or changing school are they within the proximity of your new home?

Save time and heartache by considering all of these points before you buy your next home.  With a little research and planning your home will be in a central location of all of your favorite activities.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How to Maintain Your Home During Each Season

With every season comes a new to-do list for your home.  Just like car maintenance, your home needs maintenance to prevent unforeseen repairs, consistent upkeep, and small changes.  By continuously maintaining your home, you will save money and time each season.

Spring Checklist:
Give your home a once-over- check for holes in brick, cracks in the siding, or any other damage that could have happened over the winter.  Inspect your foundation or any crack and do any silicone caulking repair to anything as needed.  Coming off of the fall and winter means your roof has taken a beating, check for any leaks or damage.  Don’t forget to clean out your gutters and be sure they have no damage.  Schedule an annual air conditioner inspection with a professional company to avoid any issues during the hot summer days

Summer Checklist:
Living in Nebraska we know that summer brings heat and humidity.  Insects love this weather, hire a pest control company to eliminate the bugs.  Pressure wash and stain the deck and patio to create a new space to hang out with your friends and family.  Clean out your exterior vents and dryer vents- vacuum your dryer hose to remove all of the lint.  Check all of your plumbing pipes to ensure there are no leaks.

Fall Checklist:
Fall is your time to prepare your home for the cold winter months.  Rake the leaves that have fallen off the trees a few times a month.  Flush your hot water heater and clear out any sediment.  These items can be done on your own but you can also hire a professional to help.  Schedule maintenance on your furnace to avoid a breakage on a cold winter day.  Inspect your driveway for any cracks and seal them before winter hits.

Winter Checklist:

Winters are meant for staying indoors next to the fire or playing in the snow with your family.  It is also the time to check grout and drains in the bathroom and fix as needed.  Grease any noisy door hinges or sticking locks.  Have your basement  cleaned, dusted, and inspected.  Check your smoke detectors and change out batteries.  Finally vacuum your refrigerator coils.